MX Training Mini Academy: How To Jump Like A Pro
Learn How To Jump Like A Pro!
Tired of crashing while jumping or not going for the jump at all cause you are scared and lack the confidence to go for it or fishtailing mid-air? Do you want to cut seconds off your lap time by jumping like a pro over every kind of jump on the track?
Inside of the How To Jump Like A Pro mini academy, you will learn:
How to enter your jumps at just the right speed so you can land the jump every time;
How to use your 5 controls to guide your bike over the jump and through the air just like the pros do;
How to stand (attack) on your bike the RIGHT WAY during takeoff, mid-flight and landing to control your jumps instead of letting your jumps control you;
And more!
This course is for beginner motocrossers who want to develop a strong riding foundation and for advanced riders who want to improve their lap times while gaining more MX swagger on the track.
This mini academy is delivered as 9 MP4 video trainings that walk you step-by-step through how to jump like a pro.
Specifically, you will learn how to master:
your standing center of balance,
jumping movements,
jumping techniques,
landing jumps,
jumping higher,
9 Jumping Technique/Training Videos. 1 PDF